Jessica's Story: Finding the Perfect Bra
By: Jessica Miao
When I was 11, I asked my mom for a bra because a lot of the girls in my class started wearing one and changing after gym class started to feel awkward. Since my mom knew that I wouldn’t be wearing my training bra for long, she took me to a department store to buy a cheap one. I didn’t know anything about bras so I just let my mom pick one out for me. Terrible decision. The bra she chose was two triangular pieces of white cotton stitched together and a lace trim. It had no coverage, so even when I look back on childhood photos, I can see a clear outline of the bra *shudder*.
I wore this uncomfortable bra throughout middle school because I didn’t know of any better options. I remember this awkward period where girls would point out if your bra strap was showing and say “I can see your A-R-B” (we said bra backwards because the actual word was too embarrassing to say). I hated wearing a bra but I also hated that my nipples started to show, even through thick t-shirts.
When I went into high school and started going shopping on my own, I turned to lingerie stores. My second bra was a hot pink push up bra because I wanted to wear a “regular bra”. I had no idea that no-underwire bras even existed. The underwire dug into me and I did not fill out the cups at all. For years again, I was wearing bras that did not suit my body type.
It’s crazy to think that I wasn’t educated about such a huge part of my development, and something that I wear daily. As a young woman, I’ve learned that just because lingerie and department stores are selling a type of bra does not mean that it’s the right one. We started Apricotton to disrupt the bra industry, designing bras that are super functional and comfy. With Apricotton, you can immediately start off your bra shopping journey with the perfect bra 😉 so you don’t have to struggle like I did.
About the Author
Jessica Miao is the co-founder of Apricotton. She started Apricotton after taking her 13-year-old sister bra shopping and not being able to find any bras that fit her body type. She hopes to help girls around the world through puberty by not only designing the comfiest bras ever but answering any awkward questions they have. You can DM @apricottongirls on IG to reach her! She loves making new friends.