Girl reading in bed

How to Ask Your Mom for A Bra

By: Elizabeth Casciaro

Have you noticed your chest growing recently and think that you might feel more comfortable wearing a bra? Are you not entirely sure how to bring the question up to your parents? Thankfully, we’re here to help you because we’ve gone through the slightly awkward conversation ourselves. Here we’ve put together a few tips that can assist you in asking your parents for your first bra:

Prepare how you’ll ask for your bra

One of the most important things you can do to prep is to have a general idea of what you’ll say and how and when you’ll say it. Brainstorming and writing down all of your thoughts can help to aid you in this process. Try to figure out why you want a bra and why you believe it would help you to feel more comfortable along with a good time for you to bring the topic up. Remember, your best bet might be to ask your parents when they are in a good mood in a private moment at home, or perhaps at a mall with a store that sells them.

Have a few stores and styles in mind

It helps to have an idea of where you’d like to shop so that they can take you soon after you ask for one. Plus, researching and deciding what design and type of bra (sports bra, an everyday bra, or a bralette, to name a few) you prefer can help you to feel more comfortable and excited about wearing whatever you choose. If you don’t know where to start, Apricotton has a great growing collection made for girls like yourself!

Start the conversation

Remember that at the end of the day a bra isn’t technically different from any other piece of clothing, and that even if your parents aren’t ready for you to buy a bra, they might be ready to start the conversation. I encourage you to have this conversation with your parents because they can help you figure out sizing, which brands have the comfiest bras, and how to actually put one on. Even better, they could even say yes to buying you a bra! Extra tip: if you have any pocket money saved up, consider offering to buy your own bra, either with your parents or the next time you’re at the mall with friends! 

Have any more questions? Feel free to reach out to Apricotton through our contact form or Instagram

About the Author:

Elizabeth is a 4th year English student at Western University. She's excited to be working with Apricotton because she believes everyone deserves a comfortable bra shopping experience!


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