How To Ask My Mom For A Bra
By: Rachel Peng
You finally see it in the mirror—the two imprints poking out of your shirt.
Congratulations! You, my friend, are growing up (here comes the tears).
Now, it’s perfectly normal to feel all types of emotions. You may be feeling scared, awkward, embarrassed, or even excited! This is all a part of the process. So many changes will happen, but don’t worry—we have many resources for you to refer to.
Okay, back to it. Remember, growing breasts is a perfectly natural and normal part of puberty. There’s absolutely no shame in it!
As your breasts develop over the years, you may choose to cover your nipples for many reasons—for aesthetic, comfort, or support (or for all those reasons and more!). And lucky you, you have your mom (who’s been through the *very* long process) who you could ask.
Get ready with our founder Jess as she shares her tips for asking your mom for a bra:
@jessmiao lmk if you want more girl tips 💛 #tampon #period #littlesister #bigsister #adviceforgirls ♬ 2 hands - tate mcrae
Tips on how to ask your mom for a bra:
Don’t forget, do it when you feel comfortable
Find a calm moment when you and your mom are alone and not distracted
Be honest. You could say something like, “Mom, I think I’m ready for a bra. Can we talk about getting one?” This shows that you’re being mature and open about your needs
Express how you feel: If you’re feeling self-conscious or uncomfortable without one, it’s okay to let her know. You could say, “I’m starting to feel uncomfortable without one, and I think it’s time.”
Ask for help: Let her know you’re looking for her guidance. “Can you help me pick out the right one?” shows that you value her input (here are a few beginner-friendly bras)
Turn it into a girl's shopping trip! Grab a drink, and head to the mall with your mom and try out different styles, fabrics, and wiring. Who said it can’t be fun?
Of course, if you're going to ask your mom for a bra, make sure you ask her for an Apricotton one! We know that growing up and experiencing changes like developing breasts can feel like a big step, so we designed the best first bras to make it as easy as possible for you. Our Perfect Bra 2.0 and Milk Tea Bra are THE comfiest, softest everyday bras perfect for any growing girl.
Check out all of our bras and other blogs to find what’s best for you. So take a deep breath, trust yourself, and know you’re not alone in this journey!
About the author:
Rachel is a political science student at Western University. She loves watching stand-up comedy, hiking, and shopping. Her favourite pastime? Reading Apricotton’s Big Sister Column. There’s just so much to learn!